The research performed at the MARS lab has been published in national and international journals and presented at national and international conferences. In addition to journal publications and conference presentations the research results were included in Patent applications and Book Chapters. 

A list of these publications by the MARS Lab researchers can be found by following the links Patent Applications – Invention DisclosuresBook ChaptersRefereed Journal PublicationsConference PublicationsConference and Symposia Publications/Presentations.

National Academy of Inventors Member

Prof. Shiakolas was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and the UTA chapter in April 2022.

Awarded Patents

  1. Panos S. Shiakolas; Shashank Kumat, and Samson Adejokun
    Articulable Devices For In Vivo Tissue Evaluation
    S. Patent Number: US 11.529.055 B2, December 20, 2022
  2. Khan and P. S. Shiakolas
    Allograft Insertion Device
    US Patent Number D940,865 S, Patent awarded September 6, 2022
    US Patent Number D940,865 S, Patent awarded January 11, 2022
    US Patent Number D855,181 S, Date of Patent July 30, 2019
  1. Blanco, K. Godfrey, C. Grace, C. Alberts, A. Patin, P. S. Shiakolas, and P. A. Aswath
    Controlled release nanoparticulate matter delivery system
    US Patent Number 10,569,067 Patent awarded February 25, 2020
    US Patent Number 9,522,241 Patent awarded December 20, 2016
  2. Mayyas and P. S. Shiakolas
    Method and apparatus for detethering of mesoscale, microscale and nanoscale components and devices
    US Patent Number 8,739,398, Patent awarded June 3, 2014

    In review Patents

    Panos S. Shiakolas; Shashank Kumat, and Samson Adejokun
    Devices and Methods for In-Vivo Tissue Evaluation
    U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/436,784, Patent Filing Date January 03, 2023
    US non-provisional patent application for UTA 21-13US1, Application Number: 18/403,416, Filing Date: January 3, 2024

      Book Chapters

      V. Varanasi, P. S. Shiakolas, and P. Aswath, Engineered Scaffolds: Materials and Microstructure from Nanostructures to Macrostructures for Tissue Engineering in Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering – Biological Design, Materials and Fabrication, Editors Claudio Migliaresi, University of Trento, Italy, and Antonella Motta, University of Trento, Italy, Hardback 698 pages 2014-03-31, CRC Press,

      Refereed Journal Publications

      1. A. H. A. Rahaman and P. S. Shiakolas, A CMC thumb tracking device for telemanipulation of a robotic thumb: development, prototyping, and evaluation, Special Issue on Human-Robot Collaboration and its Applications, Appl. Sci. 202515(3), 1301, DOI:, Jan 27, 2025

      2. T. Saini, P. S. Shiakolas, and Christopher McMurrough, Evaluation of Image Segmentation Methods for In-Situ Quality Assessment in Additive Manufacturing, Metrology 4, no. 4: 598-618.  DOI:, October 30, 2024

      3. S. Hazra and P. S. Shiakolas, On the Effects of Personalizing Vibrotactile Feedback to Facilitate User Interaction with a Robotic System, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 126518-126530, 2024, DOI:, August 2024

      4. S. Kumat and P. S. Shiakolas, Design, Prototyping, and Characterization of a Micro-Force Sensor Intended for Tissue Assessment in Confined Spaces, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 18937-18947, June 15, 2024, DOI:, June 2024.

      5. S. Adejokun and P. S. Shiakolas, A Compliant Manipulator for Confined Space Tissue Diagnostics: Kinematic and Force Analyses and Initial Characterization Experiments, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Feb 2024, 16(2): 021012 DOI: Feb. 2024

      6. S. Hazra, A. Abdul Rahaman, and P. S. Shiakolas, An Affordable Telerobotic System Architecture for Grasp Training and Object Grasping for Human-Machine Interaction, ASME J of Medical Diagnostics,, November, 2023

      7. S. Hazra, S. Whitaker, and P. S. Shiakolas, Design and implementation of a behavioral sequence framework for human-robot interaction utilizing brain-computer interface and haptic feedback, ASME J of Medical Diagnostics., November 2023, 6(4): 041003

      8. Adejokun, S., Kumat, S., and Shiakolas, P. A Microrobot with an Attached Micro-Force Sensor for Transurethral Access to the Bladder Interior Wall, ASME J of Medical Diagnostics, August 2023, 6(3): 031001,, August 2023

      9. S. Kumat and P. S. Shiakolas, Design, inverted vat photopolymerization 3D printing, and initial characterization of a miniature force sensor for localized in vivo measurements, 3D Printing in Medicine, 8, 1, 2022,, January 04, 2022

      10. C. Noble, M. Amey, et. al. (co-author P. S. Shiakolas), Building a Networked Improvement Community: Lessons in Organizing to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM, Frontiers in Psychology, section Educational Psychology, Front. Psychol., Vol 12, Nov. 18, 2021

      11. M. A. Naeem, M. Rizwan, and P. S. Shiakolas, Micropart Motion on a Surface due to Controlled Surface Excitation, IEEE Access, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3096047,, July 09, 2021

      12. C. N. Wang, M. R. Abraham, C. E. Abrego, P. S. Shiakolas, A. Christie, and P. E. Zimmern, An Operator-Independent Artificial Finger can Differentiate Anterior Vaginal Wall Indentation Parameters Between Control And Prolapse Patients, Ms. No. BM-D-20-00856R1, Journal of Biomechanics, March 14, 2021,

      13. P. Ravi and P. S. Shiakolas, Effects of slicing parameters on measured fill density for 3D printing of precision cylindrical constructs using Slic3r, SN Appl. Sci. 3, 390 (2021). Feb. 27, 2021,
      14. O. Saleem, M. Rizwan, P. S. Shiakolas, and B. Ali, Genetically Optimized ANFIS-based PID Controller Design for Posture-Stabilization of Self-Balancing-Robots under Depleting Battery Conditions, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol.21, No.4 pp. 22-33, 2019
      15. P. Ravi, J. Wright, P. S. Shiakolas, and T. Welch, Three-dimensional printing of poly (glycerol sebacate fumarate) gadodiamide-poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate structures and characterization of mechanical properties for soft tissue applications, Journal of Biomaterials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials,, April 2018
      16. P. Ravi, P. S. Shiakolas and T. Welch, Poly-L-lactic Acid: Pellets to Fiber to Fused Deposition Modeled Scaffolds, and Scaffold Weight Loss Study, Journal of Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier, ADDMA_182, Accepted for publication June 2017 (link to In Press Pre-publication version) Click for Abstrac
      17. Md Abu Hasan and P. S. Shiakolas, Comparative Stress Analysis of Lingualized and Conventional Balanced Occlusion Schemes in a Full-Arch Fixed Implant Prosthesis using Finite Element Analysis, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, JMMB-D-16-00156,, Accepted for publication March 1, 2017
      18. P. Ravi, P. S. Shiakolas, and A. Thorat, Analyzing the Effects of Temperature, Nozzle-Bed Distance and their Interactions on the Width of Fused Deposition Modeled Struts using Statistical Techniques Towards Precision Scaffold Fabrication, Accepted to appear in July 2017 issue: J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 139, 071007 (2017) (9 pages);   Paper No: MANU-16-1576;  doi:10.1115/1.4035963 (link to article info)
      19. Salman N. Khan & Panos S. Shiakolas: Finite Element Analysis of Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) Surgery Allograft to Predict Endothelial Cell Loss, Current Eye Research, June 1, 2016. Link to article:
      20. S. N. Khan and P. S. Shiakolas, To Study the Effects of Intrastromal Corneal Ring Geometry and Surgical Conditions on the Postsurgical Outcomes through Finite Element Analysis, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 5 April 2016, DOI:
      21. S. N. Khan, P. S. Shiakolas, and V. Mootha,  Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) Tissue Insertion Devices: A Review, Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research, 2015; 10(4); 461-468, DOI: 10.4103/2008-322X.176899 (
      22. M. Rizwan and P. S. Shiakolas, On the Acceleration Limits for Sliding and Detachment between Contacting Rough Surfaces for Micropart Manipulation in a Dry Environment, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 1, 011005 (2013) (8 pages); DOI: 10.1115/1.4023531 
      23. M. Rizwan and P. S. Shiakolas, On the Optimum Synthesis of a Microconveyor Platform for Micropart Translocation using Differential Evolution, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Feb. 2013,
      24. S. N. Khan, P. S. Shiakolas, and M. Rizwan, An Overview of Performance Characteristics of Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis Using Lasers, Journal of Micro and Nanosystems, Volume 4, Number 4, 2012, ISSN: 18764029 
      25. 25. S. E. McCaslin, P. S. Shiakolas, B. H. Dennis, and K. L. Lawrence, Closed-Form Matrices for Higher Order Tetrahedral Finite Elements, Advances in Engineering Software and Computers & Structures, Volume 44, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 75-79 
      26. M. Rizwan and P. S. Shiakolas, Motion Analysis of Micropart in Dry Friction Environment due to Surface Excitation Considering Microscale Forces, ASME Transactions on Tribology, Vol. 133, Issue 4, October 2011, DOI: 10.1115/1.4004455 
      27. N. Uppal and P. S. Shiakolas, Process sensitivity analysis and resolution prediction for the two photon polymerization of micro/nano structures , ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, DOI:10.1115/1.4000097, October 2009 — Volume 131, Issue 5, 051018 (9 pages) 
      28. M. Mayyas, P. S. Shiakolas, W. H. Lee and H. Stephanou, Thermal Cycle Modeling of Electrothermal Microactuators, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 152 (2), p.192, Jun 2009, doi:10.1016/j.sna.2009.03.015
      29. M. Mayyas and P. S. Shiakolas, Microsurface Reverse Engineering and Compensation for Laser Micromachining, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2008.2009090, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2009
      30. N. Uppal and P. S. Shiakolas, Modeling of Temperature Dependent Diffusion and Polymerization Kinetics and their effects on Two Photon Polymerization Dynamics
        • a. SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 043002 (10 pages), Oct–Dec 2008
        • b. Selected to appear in the January 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics
      31. N. Uppal and P. S. Shiakolas, Micromachining Characteristics of NiTi based Shape Memory Alloy using Femtosecond Laser, MANU-07-1338, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 130, Issue 3, pp. 31117 (7 pages), June 2008
      32. S. Belligundu, P. S. Shiakolas, P. B. Aswath and A. Pandey, Systemic Approach Towards Optimization of the Hot Embossing of Poly L-Lactic Acid for Biomedical Applications, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, Volume 85B, Issue 2, pp.  469-477; May 2008, Published Online: Dec 12 2007, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30967
      33. P. M. P. Silva, H. R. B. Orlande, M. J. Colaço, P. S. Shiakolas and G. S. Dulikravich , Identification and Design of Source Term in a Two-Region Heat Conduction Problem, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,  Vol. 15, No. 7, October 2007, 661-677
      34. S. Belligundu and P. S. Shiakolas, A Study on Two Stage Hot Embossing Micro-Replication: Silicon-to-Polymer-to-Polymer, Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems (JM3), Special section on Bio-MEMS and Microfluidics, Vol. 5, 021103, May. 10, 2006, DOI:10.1117/1.2198794 
      35. N. Uppal, P. S. Shiakolas, and S. Priya, Bulk Micromachining of PZT using Femtosecond Laser, Journal of Ferroelectrics Letters, Vol. 32, Number 3-4/2005, June 2005, pp. 67-77
      36. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Koladiya, and J. Kebrle, On the Optimum Synthesis of Six-Bar Mechanisms Using Evolutionary Techniques and the Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions Technique, Journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 40, Issue 3, March 2005, pp. 319-335
      37. P. S. Shiakolas, R. S. Van Schenck, D. Piyabongkarn, and I. Frangeskou Magnetic Levitation Hardware in the Loop and MATLAB Based Experiments for Reinforcement of Neural Network Control Concepts, IEEE Transactions on Education, February 2004, Vol. 47, Number 1, pp. 33-41
      38. P. S. Shiakolas, and D. Piyabongkarn, Development of a Real-Time Digital Control System with a Hardware in the Loop Magnetic Levitation Device for Reinforcement of Controls Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, February 2003, Vol. 46, Number 1, pp.79-87
      39. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Koladiya and J. Kebrle, On the Optimum Synthesis of Four-bar Linkages using Differential Evolution and Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions, The International Journal of Inverse Problems In Engineering, 2002, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 485-502
      40. P. S. Shiakolas, V. Chandra, and J. Kebrle, An Environment for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Simulation for Education Using MATLAB via the World Wide Web: Part I – Environment Description and Development International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 10, Number 3, pp. 99-108, 2002
      41. P. S. Shiakolas, V. Chandra, J. Kebrle and D. Wilhite, An Environment for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Simulation for Education Using MATLAB via the World Wide Web: Part II – Representative Examples – System Simulation and Planar Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 10, Number 3,  pp. 109-120, 2002
      42. P. S. Shiakolas, K. L. Conrad, and T. C. Yih, On the Accuracy, Repeatability and Degree of Influence for Industrial Robots, Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 245-254, 2002
      43. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Koladiya, and J. Kebrle, Optimum Robot Design Based on Task Specifications Using Evolutionary Techniques and Kinematic, Dynamic, and Structural Constraints, International Journal of Inverse Problems in Engineering, 359-375, Volume 10, Number 4, 2002
      44. S. N. Muthukrishnan, P. S. Shiakolas, R. V. Nambiar and K. L. Lawrence, Simple Algorithm for the Adaptive Refinement of Three Dimensional Problems with Tetrahedral Meshes, AIAA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 5, 928-932, 1995
      45. K. T. Schuetze, P. S. Shiakolas, S. N. Muthukrishnan, R. V. Nambiar and K. L. Lawrence, A Study of Adaptively Remeshed Finite Element Problems using Higher Order Tetrahedra,Computers and Structures, Vol. 54, No. 2, 279-288, 1995
      46. M. A. Moetakef, S. P. Joshi, P. S. Shiakolas, and K. L. Lawrence, Closed form Expressions for Higher Order Electroelastic Tetrahedral Elements, AIAA Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1, 136-142, 1995
      47. P. S. Shiakolas, R. V. Nambiar and K. L. Lawrence, Closed Form Expressions for the Linear and Quadratic Strain Tetrahedron Finite Elements, Computers and Structures, Vol. 50, No. 6, 743-747, 1994
      48. P. S. Shiakolas, R. V. Nambiar and K. L. Lawrence, Closed form Error Estimators for the Linear strain and Quadratic strain Tetrahedron Finite Elements, Computers and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 6, 907-915, 1993
      49. P. S. Shiakolas, R. V. Nambiar, K. L. Lawrence and W. A. Rogers, Closed form Stiffness Matrices for the Linear strain and Quadratic strain Tetrahedron Finite Elements, Computers and Structures, Vol. 42, No. 2, 237-242, 1992

      Conference Publications

      (Peer Reviewed Conference Published and Conference and Symposia Publications/Presentations)

      Peer Reviewed Conference Published

      1. (2015) P. Ravi, P. S. Shiakolas, J. Oberg, A. Batra, and S. Faizee, On the Development of a Modular 3D Bioprinter for Research in Biomedical Device Fabrication, ASME IMECE2015-51555, Nov. 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas, USA
      2. S. N. Khan and P. S. Shiakolas, To Understand Myopic Alleviation by Conducting Finite Element Structural Analysis of the Cornea with an Intrastromal Corneal Ring Implant, ASME IMECE2015-51515, Nov. 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas, USA
      3. H. Md Abu and P. S. Shiakolas, 3D Finite Element Stress Analysis of an Implant Supported Verdenture Under Bruxism and Lingualized Loading Conditions ASME IMECE2015-51688, Nov. 13-19, Houston, Texas, USA
      4. C. E. Abrego, P. S. Shiakolas and M. R. Sobhy, Developing an educational and research human robot interaction environment for a mechanical finger/hand, ASME IMECE2015-52305, Nov. 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas, USA
      5. C. E. Abrego and P. S.Shiakolas, Augmenting an Educational and Research Human Robot Interaction Environment with a Multi Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm, ASME IMECE2015-50969, Nov. 13-19, Houston, Texas, USA
      6. Md Hasan, Effects of lingualized and linear occlusion schemes on the stress distribution of an implant supported overdenture using finite element analysis, ASME IMECE2015-52265, Nov. 13-19, Houston, Texas, USA 
        P.S. Shiakolas could not be listed as co-author due to the limitation on the number of papers one could be listed as co-author
      7. Ashley, A. Bowling and P. S. Shiakolas, Mechatronics Experential Learning for Broadening Participation in Engineering, Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and in the NSF Grantees’ Poster Session, Seattle, WA, June 2015
      8. 66. (2014) T. Anderson, R. Collins, A. Dierdorf, R. Moody, J. Oberg, P. S. Shiakolas (advisor), K. Guleserian, J. Forbess, T. Welch, Multi-Polymeric 3D Print Head for Use in BioProsthetic Research, 60 Annual ASAIO Conference, Washington DC, June 2014 
        • Note: this capstone design project was selected as one of eight winners among 48 national and international entries
      9. H. Enotiades, S. Phan, C. Mcmurrough, F. Makedon, P. Shiakolas, Assistive Robotic Platform – Poster Presentation, 7th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, PETRA 2014, Rhodes, Greece 
      10. (2013) C. Abrego and P. S. Shiakolas, Adding Obstacle Avoidance to a Robotic Platform for Human Robot Interaction, PETRA Conference, Rhodes Island, Greece, May 2013
        • Note: Mr. Abrego was awarded an NSF Scholar Award to Attend Doctoral Consortium of PETRA 2013
      11. (2012) E. Olson, P. S. Shiakolas, M. Rizwan and A. Thanekar,  A LabVIEW based platform for mobile robotics teaching and experimentation, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      12. L. Blanco, P. S. Shiakolas, P. Aswath, et al., On the design and experimental evaluation of a thermoresponsive hydrogel for controlled drug delivery applications, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      13. S. N. Khan and P. S. Shiakolas,  Spot bonding of transparent materials, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012, DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2012-88046 
      14. P. S. Shiakolas, D. C. Wilhite and S. McCaslin,  Comparison of Computer Algebra Systems, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      15. M. Riswan and P.S. Shiakolas, Sensitivity Analysis of micropart motion on a deformable surface, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      16. M. Riswan and P.S. Shiakolas, Towards the realization of a conveyor platform for microparts employing a deformable surface, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      17. J. Ponkala, M. Riswan and P.S. Shiakolas, On the design of a biodegradable POC-HA polymeric cardiovascular stent, IMECE 2012, Houston, TX, Nov 2012
      18. C. Sophocleous, E. G. Christoforou, P. S. Shiakolas, I. Seimenis, N. V. Tsekos, and C. C. Doumanidis, Development and initial testing of a prototype concentric tubes robot for surgical interventions, 12th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 11-13, 2012
      19. (2011) S.E. McCaslin, P.S. Shiakolas, B.H. Dennis, and  K.L. Lawrence, A New Approach to Obtaining Closed-Form Solutions using Modern Computer Algebra Systems, ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington, DC, August 2011
      20. L. Blanco, C. A. Grace, C. B. Alberts, A. E. Patin, K. C. Godfrey, P. S.Shiakolas, P. B. Aswath, Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Thermoresponsive Drug Delivery Device, 27 Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, UT Arlington, April 29 – May 1, 2011
      21. S. S. Gandhi, K. Nguyen, P. S. Shiakolas, P. B. Aswath , Effect of Thermal Cycling, Device Geometry and Drug Concentration on Drug Delivery from a Thermoresponsive Hydrogel, 27 Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, UT Arlington, April 29 – May 1, 2011
      22. (2010) S.E. McCaslin, B.H. Dennis, P.S. Shiakolas, W.S. Chan, S. Nomura, B.P. Wang,and  K.L. Lawrence, The Use of Symbolic Processing and Explicit Formulations in Computational Mechanics Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Funchal, Madeira Island, September 2010
      23. (2009) S.E. McCaslin, P. S. Shiakolas, B.H. Dennis, K.L. Lawrence, Closed-form Matrices for Higher Order Tetrahedral Finite Elements, The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Funchal, Madeira Island, September 2009
      24. S. E. McCaslin, B. Dennis, P. S. Shiakolas, and K. L. Lawrence, Control of Expression Growth in Symbolic Processing of Finite Element Matrices, The First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Funchal, Madeira Island, September 2009
      25. Joonas I. Ponkala, Panos S. Shiakolas, Richard Tran, Jian Yang, Mohsin Rizwan, Emmanouil Brilakis, Subhash Banerjee, On the development of a biocompatible biodegradable coronary stent, 2009 ECTC Proceedings, ASME Early Career Technical Conference, April 17-19, Arlington, TX, 2009
      26. N. Uppal and P. S. Shiakolas, Experiments and characterization of two photon polymerization using 1 KHz femtosecond laser system, SPIE Symposium on MOEMS-MEMS 2008 Micro and Nanofabrication, San Jose, California, Jan. 2008, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6883, 688311 (2008); DOI:10.1117/12.763715 
      27. N. Uppal, P. S. Shiakolas, and M. Rizwan, Three dimensional waveguide fabrication in PMMA using femtosecond laser micromachining system, SPIE Symposium on MOEMS-MEMS 2008 Micro and Nanofabrication, San Jose, California, Jan. 2008, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6882, 68820I (2008); DOI:10.1117/12.763824
      28. N. Uppal and P. S. Shiakolas An Ablation Parameter Study and Micromachining of NiTi Based Shape Memory Alloy using a Femtosecond Laser, IMECE 2007 – 43610, Seattle Washington, Nov. 2007 
      29. J. Henley, P. S. Shiakolas, and K. Subbarao, On the Application of Extended Kalman and Continuous Discrete Extended Kalman Filter for a HIL Magnetic Levitation Device, IMECE 2007 – 43605, Seattle Washington, Nov. 2007 
      30. P. Zhang, M. Mayyas, W. H. Lee, D. Popa, P. S. Shiakolas, H. E. Stephanou, J. Chiao An active locking mechanism for assembling 3D microstructures, Paper 6414-89, SPIE Smart Materials, Nano- and Micro-Smart Systems, 10-13 Dec., Adelaide, Australia, 2006 
        • Note: This paper received The Best Symposium Paper Award 
      31. N. Uppal, P. S. Shiakolas, and S. Belligundu, Femtosecond Laser Micromachining as a Rapid Prototyping Environment – System Development and Initial ResultsIMECE2006-14456, Nov. 5-10, Chicago, Illinois, 2006 
      32. S. Belligundu, P. S. Shiakolas, P. Aswath, and N. Uppal, Study of Hot Embossing Behavior and Comparison at Normalized Temperatures of PolyCarbonate , PolyMethylMethAcrylate & Poly L-Lactic Acid, IMECE2006-14478, Nov. 5-10, Chicago, Illinois, 2006 
      33. M. Mayyas, and P. S. Shiakolas, A Study On The Thermal Behavior Of Electrothermal Microactuators Due To Various Voltage InputsIMECE2006-15321, Nov. 5-10, Chicago, Illinois, 2006
      34. M. Mayyas and P. S. Shiakolas, Micro-Surface Construction and Characterization from Digital Elevation Model Using Thin Plate Splines in MATLAB EnvironmentIMECE2006-13471, Nov. 5-10, Chicago, Illinois, 2006
      35. M. Mayyas, P. S. Shiakolas, W. H. Lee, D. Popa, and H. Stephanou, Static and dynamic modeling of thermal microgripper, The 14th  IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Ancona, Italy, June 2006 (session WEA4-5) 
      36. M. Mayyas, P. S. Shiakolas, Woo Ho Lee, Dan Popa, and Harry Stephanou, Static and dynamic modeling of thermal microgripper, The 14th  IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Ancona, Italy, June 2006 (session WEA4-5)
      37. P. M. P. Silva, H. R. B. Orlande, M. J. Colaco, and P. S. Shiakolas, Estimation of Spatially and Time Dependent Source Tterm in a Two-region Problem Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, Cambridge, UK, 11-15th July 2005
      38. A. Deodhar, P. S. Shiakolas, and S. Belligundu,  Development and Verification of an AI Based Controller for Temperature Control of a Hot Embossing System, 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’05), Limassol, Cyprus, June 27-29, 2005
      39. M. Mayyas and P. S. Shiakolas, On the Application of Thin Plate Splines for Workpiece Surface Reverse Engineering and Compensation for Femtosecond Laser Micromachining, 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’05), Limassol, Cyprus, June 27-29, 2005
      40. P. S. Shiakolas, S. R. Van Schenck, and I. Frangeskou, A Real-Time Digital Control Environment Based on MATLAB, xPC-Target along with a Magnetic Levitation Device for Neural Network Control Law Implementation and Verification, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003 
      41. O. Taghavi, P. S. Shiakolas, O. Kulaja, Fuzzy Logic Real-time Digital Control of a Hardware in the Loop Maglev Device using MATLAB xPC Target, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003 
      42. D. Koladiya, P. S. Shiakolas, and J. Kebrle, On the Application of Differential Evolution and Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions to the Optimum Synthesis of Four-bar Linkages, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003 
      43. D. Koladiya, P. S. Shiakolas, and J. Kebrle, On the Optimum Synthesis of Six-bar Linkages Using Differential Evolution and the Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions Technique, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003 
      44. 30. M. Sarkar, S. P. Josh, P. S. Shiakolas, A. Bulusu, Analysis of Focusing and Intensity Mechanisms for a Spot Bonding Process using Femtosecond Laser, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003
      45. A. Bulusu, S. P. Joshi, and P. S. Shiakolas, High Precision Femtosecond Laser Micromachining for Rapid Manufacture of MEMS Devices, ASME IMECE 2003, Washington DC, Nov. 15-21, 2003
      46. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Koladiya, and J. Kebrle, Optimum Robot Design Based on Task Specifications Using Evolutionary Techniques and Kinematic, Dynamic, and Structural Constraints, ASME IMECE 2002, Advances in Robot Dynamics and Controls, Paper No. DSC-9B-2, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002 
      47. P. S. Shiakolas and S. Belligundu, Design and Prototyping of an Artificial Finger with a Novel Actuation Mechanism and Quick Connect Disconnect Capabilities, ASME IMECE 2002, Advances in Robot Dynamics and Controls, Paper No. DSC-9B-4, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002 
      48. P. S. Shiakolas, J. Kebrle, V. Chandra, and D. Wilhite. Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Engineering Systems Over the World Wide Web For Educational Use, 22nd ASME International Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Paper No. DETC/CIE 34410, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 29- Oct. 2, 2002
      49. J. Kebrle, P. S. Shiakolas, W. T. Adams, and T. J. Lawley, Kinematic Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Linkages Using Gradients and Superposition of Scalar Fields, ASME Design and Engineering Conference, Paper No. DETC 2002/MECH-34242, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 29- Oct. 2, 2002
      50. P. S. Shiakolas, J. Kebrle, and V. Chandra, Synthesis, Analysis, and Simulation of Mechanisms Over the World Wide Web For Educational Use, The International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics – IFToMM 2002 Conference, Mexico City, Sept. 15-22, 2002
      51. P. S. Shiakolas and D. Piyabongkarn, On the development of a real-time digital control using xPC Target and a magnetic levitation device, 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control – CDC, Orlando, FL, Volume 2, Pages 1348-1353, December 2001
      52. S. Belligundu and P. S. Shiakolas, Technologies in Medical Robotics, ASME IMECE 2001 Congress in the Symposium on Advances in Robot Dynamics and Controls, New York, November, 2001 
      53. J. Kebrle, W. T. Adams, P. S. Shiakolas, and T. J. Lawley, Solving Motion Generation Problems Using a Gradient Method Part I: Planar Kinematic Synthesis, 8th International Federation for the Advancement of the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, IFToMM, International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms – SYROM 2001, Bucharest, Romania, (Vol. 2, pp. 155-161), Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 2001
      54. J. Kebrle, W. T. Adams, P. S. Shiakolas, and T. J. Lawley, Solving Motion Generation Problems Using a Gradient Method Part II: Spatial Kinematic Synthesis and the Cone Angle Principle, 8th International Federation for the Advancement of the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, IFToMM, International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms – SYROM 2001, Bucharest, Romania, (Vol. 2, pp. 161 – 167), Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 2001
      55. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Wilhite, J. Kebrle and P. Trogos, Educational Simulations using MATLAB/Web toolbox over the World Wide Web, 3rd WSES / IEEE CSCC Multiconference – Session on Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Crete, Greece, July 2001
      56. J. Kebrle, W. Adams, P. S.  Shiakolas, and T. J. Lawley, Similarities Between a New Gradient Method and the Superposition Method for Generating Burmester Curves, Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, CCToMM, Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Canadian Space Agency, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2001
      57. T. C. Yih, P. S. Shiakolas, B. L. Burks,B. Thompson, and B. S. Eluri, On the Kinematics and Dynamics of Dual-Gripper Robot Manipulator, 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Patras, Greece, July 17-19, 2000
      58. K. L. Conrad, P. S. Shiakolas, and T. C. Yih, Robotic Calibration Issues: Accuracy, Repeatability and Calibration, 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Patras, Greece, July 17-19, 2000 
      59. P. S. Shiakolas, and S. Faisal, Optimum Module Selection and Design Based on Kinematic and Dynamic Task Requirements Using DADS and Genetic Algorithms, Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems II, SPIE Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, Boston, MA, 19-22 September, 1999
      60. P. S. Shiakolas, D. Labalo, and J. M. Fitzgerald, RobSurf: A Near Real Time OLP System for Robotic Surface Finishing, The 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Haifa, Israel, June 28-30, 1999
      61. G. C. Oliver, P. S. Shiakolas and T. J. Lawley, Basic Fairing Principles of Fiberglass Pits and Patches, The 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Haifa, Israel, June 28-30, 1999
      62. Javidinejad, S. P. Joshi, and P. S. Shiakolas, Application of Thermoplastic Conductive Film for Design and Manufacturing of Smart Composite Structures, SPIE 6th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, 1-5 March, 1999
      63. P. S. Shiakolas and T. J. Lawley, Automated Robotic Surface Finishing for Rotor Blades, 54th American Helicopter Society Conference, Washington, DC, May 20-23, 1998
      64. P. S. Shiakolas, T. W. Sharpe, and T. J. Lawley, On the Development of a Quick Connect Disconnect Coupler for Rapidly Reconfigured Modular Robots, 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Paphos, Cyprus, July 1997
      65. B. Krishnaswami, S. C. Arun, P. S. Shiakolas, and K. L. Lawrence, On the Development of a Virtual Prototyping Environment for Robot Design Using a Genetic Algorithm based Optimization/Expert System, 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 1996
      66. S. Jagannathan and P. S. Shiakolas, A Comparison of Neural Network Controllers for a Mobile Robot with an On-board Manipulator, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Monterey California, Pages 405-410, 27-29 August, 1995
      67. P. S. Shiakolas and S. Jagannathan, Motion Control of a Mobile Robot with Onboard Arm Using Neural Networks, 3rd IEEE Mediterranean Conference on New Directions in Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, July 1995
      68. P. S. Shiakolas and S. Jagannathan, Motion Control of a Mobile Robot with Onboard Manipulator, IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industrial Automation and Control, (I A & C’95), (Cat. No.95TH8005) , 5-7Jan 1995 Page(s): 351 -356, Hyderabad, India, 5-7 January 1995
      69. D. Babu, P. S. Shiakolas, S. N. Muthukrishnan, B. P. Wang and K. L. Lawrence, Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis in Finite Element Analysis using Tetrahedral Finite Elements, The Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, August 1994
      70. S. N. Muthukrishnan, P. S. Shiakolas, K. T. Schuetze, R. V. Nambiar, K. L. Lawrence, Adaptive Techniques for 3-D Meshes Using Linear and Quadratic Strain Tetrahedral Finite Elements, 7th World Congress on Finite Element Methods, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, November 1993
      71. S. N. Muthukrishnan, R. V. Nambiar, K. L. Lawrence and P. S. Shiakolas, An Algorithm to Adaptively Refine 3-D Tetrahedral Meshes for Finite Element Problems, IMACS International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Bangalore, India,December 1992
      72. S. N. Muthukrishnan, R. V. Nambiar, K. L. Lawrence and P. S. Shiakolas, A Simple Algorithm for Adaptive Refinement of Tetrahedral Meshes, US Army Office Sponsored Workshop for Adaptive Methods of Partial Differential Equations, Troy, NY, May 1992
      73. V. S. Joshi, R.V. Nambiar, K. L. Lawrence and P. S. Shiakolas, An Algorithm for Adaptive Refinement of Tetrahedral Meshes, 33rd Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Dallas, TX, April 1992

      Conference and Symposia Publications/Presentations

      1. Christopher Abrego (Panos S. Shiakolas), Research Towards the Development of a HRI Environment: Current Status for a Mechanical Finger and Mechanical Palm, Poster Presentation at ACES Symposium, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, March 25 2015
      2. Prashanth Ravi (Panos S. Shiakolas), Development of a modular 3D bioprinter for fabricating tailorable biomedical implants using a combination of Inkjet, Viscous Extrusion and Fused Filament Fabrication print technologies, Oral Presentation at ACES Symposium, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, March 25 2015
      3. Hasan Md. Abu (Panos S. Shiakolas), Effect of Occlusal Loading Conditions on the Biomechanical Behavior of a Full-arch Implant Supported Overdenture Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Poster Presentation at ACES Symposium, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, March 25 2015
      4. Salman Nasir Khan (Panos S. Shiakolas), Finite Element Structural Analysis of the Human Cornea to Understand and Alleviate Myopia, Oral Presentation at ACES Symposium, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, March 25 2015
      5. Salman Nasir Khan, Panos S. Shiakolas, A Study of Finite Element Structural Analysis of Allograft for Endothelial Keratoplasty, 2014 IEEE Medical Device Symposium, The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX, Nov 7, 2014
      6. Chaudhry M. A. Arafat, Mohammad R. Hasan, Panos S. Shiakolas, and Samir M. Iqbal, Auto-imaging, Predefined Stepping and Exposure through Submicron 3-Axis Inspection Microscope, ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Arlington, TX, March 21-23, 2013
      7. J. Ponkala, P. S. Shiakolas, J. Yang, E. Brillakis, and S. Banerjee, Design, Fabrication and Porcine Evaluation of a Biodegradable POC-HA Polymeric Cardiovascular Stent, 9th Annual Cardiovascular Research Symposium, Frontiers in Interventional Cardiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Oct. 26-27, 2009
      8. P. Zhang, M. Mayyas, W. H. Lee, D. Popa, P. S. Shiakolas, H. Stephanou, and J. C. Chiao, Design of an Active Lock for Integrating 3D Micro Structures, TexMEMS VIII – 2006, Dallas, TX, October 9, 2006
      9. M. Mayyas, P. Zhang, P. S. Shiakolas, W. H. Lee, D. Popa, and H. Stephanou , Issues in the Current and Thermal Distribution for a Probed Electrothermal MEMS Actuator of Parallel Resistive Structure, TexMEMS VIII – 2006, Dallas, TX, October 9, 2006
      10. P. S. Shiakolas and N. Uppal, MicroManufacturing Laboratory FLM and HEMM – Resources, Experience and Current Research Activities, Technical Oral Presentation and Poster, UTA Research Day, October 2006
      11. M. Mayyas and P. S. Shiakolas, A Study on the Thermal Behavior of Electro-thermal MicroActuators Due to Various Inputs, Technical Oral Presentation and Poster, UTA Research Day, October 2006
      12. Nitin Uppal and Panos S. Shiakolas, Femtosecond Laser Micromachining of PZT Microactuator, TexMEMS VIII – 2006, Dallas, TX, October 9, 2006
      13. M. A. Mayyas, W. H. Lee, D. Popa, P. S. Shiakolas, P. Zhang, and H. E. Stephanou, Comprehensive Electrothermal Modeling of a Thermal Microgripper, TEXMEMS-VII Conference, El Paso, TX, Sept. 21-22, 2005. Note: This paper received the 2nd place award for student paper contest
      14. S. Belligundu, P. S. Shiakolas, and N. Uppal, Rapid prototyping of polymer microdevices utilizing femtosecond laser for mold making & hot embossing, TEXMEMS-VII Conference, El Paso, TX, Sept. 21-22, 2005
      15. N. Uppal, S. Belligundu, and P. S. Shiakolas, Femtosecond laser Micromachining:System Development, Ablation Studies & Microcomponent Manufacturing, TEXMEMS-VII Conference, El Paso, TX, Sept. 21-22, 2005
      16. M. A. Mayyas, and P. S Shiakolas, Transient Thermal Model of an Attached Lateral Thermal Actuator, TEXMEMS-VII Conference, El Paso, TX, Sept. 21-22, 2005
      17. N. Uppal, P. S. Shiakolas, and S. Priya Micromachining of PZT using Ultrafast Femtosecond Laser, U.S. Navy Symposium, Technical Oral Presentation and Poster, May 2005
      18. N. Uppal, S. Belligundu and P. S. Shiakolas, MicroRapid Prototyping Using a Femtosecond Laser Micromachining System and a Hot Embossing Microreplication System, First North Texas Materials Symposium, U. T. Arlington, Oral and Poster Presentations – Poster Presentation awarder 2nd place, April 10, 2005
      19. S. P. Josh, P. S. Shiakolas, A. Bulusu, S. Belligundu, Status and Activities for BioMEMS Manufacturing at MAE-UTA: Femtosecond Laser Micromachining and Hot Embosssing Microfabrication, TexMEMS Workshop, ARRI-UTA, Arlington, TX, May 6, 2003
      20. P. S. Shiakolas, R. Van Schneck, D. Piyabongharn, and I. Frangeskou, An Educational Environment for Reinforcement of Dynamic System Modeling and Controls Concepts Utilizing MATLAB, xPC-Target and a Hardware in the Loop Magnetic Levitation Device, ASEE Gulf-Southwest, Arlington, TX, March 19-21, 2003