The senior project students working on inkjet head development and integration successfully presented and defended their project on August 7, 2014. Congratulations and wishes for continued success!
Shahid Faizee and Vishal Sarode join the MARS lab, summer 2014.
The lab welcomes Shahid Faizee and Vishal Sarode, both ME MS students, who will be researching 3D printing technologies. Welcome and looking forward to your accomplishments.
60th ASAIO Conference, Washington DC, June 2014.
The ME second semester senior group sponsored by the MARS lab was invited to participate and present their design project research in the ASAIO Second Annual Student Design Competition to be held on June 19th during the ASAIO 60th Annual Conference, June 18 – 21, 2014 in Washington, DC ( The title of the submitted project is Multi-Polymeric 3D Print Head for Use in Bioprosthetic Research. Here is the link to the conference program – scroll down to page 9 second column ( The team members are Toby Anderson, Russell Collins, Andrew Dierdorf, Ryan Moody, Jacob Oberg (team leader) under the direction of Dr. Shiakolas.
Note that 48 national-international teams were invited to submit their proposals for the competition back in early spring and 8 submissions were selected as winners.
Congratulations on being one of the winners and the invitation (along with partial financial support) to participate and present your project in this national – international competition!
Salman was awarded the prestigious Dissertation Fellowship for summer 2014 by the Office of Graduate studies of UTA (May 2014).
BioPrinter with Ink-Jet technology
The first semester ME group presented their research for understanding and selecting ink-jet type technology for augmenting the BioPrinter features. We are looking forward to their successful integration of their solution this summer (summer 2014).
Congratulations for a job well done!
Senior Projects sponsored by MARS Lab (May 2014).
The three senior groups in ME and CSE Departments sponsored by the MARS Lab for their senior design projects have successfully presented and defended their research work on Friday, May 2, 2014. The second semester ME group presented on the multi-material BioPrinter and the CSE group presented on custom software for multi-material additive manufacturing. The students in these groups have so much fun learnining and working on the BioPrinter and some of them are already volunteering to assist on the BioPrinter project during the summer and beyond – we are excited and we look forward to seeing some of you this summer and continue research on this exciting new field that is revolutionarizing manufacturing!
Congratulations are in order for Ryan – keep up the great work!
Ryan sucessfully defended his MS thesis Improving Scoliosis Rehabilitation on April 14, 2014 (wow 4-14-14)!.
Keep up the great work and the group is looking forward to your endevours.

Congratulations are in order for Salman – keep up the great work!
Salman participated in UTA’s ACES 2014 symposium on March 26, 2014 with a poster on his research work titled Finite Element modeling of Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) surgery to improve surgical outcomes. Salman was awarded an honorable mention on the Graduate Poster Presentations. ACES awards web page

Congratulations are in order for Prashanth – keep up the great work!
Prashanth Ravi was awarded the Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. Graduate Research Fellowship for 2013-2014 at the College of Engineering awards baquet on February 21, 2014. This is a competitive award for first semester doctoral or doctoral bound students.