MARS Lab participation in ACES Symposium, March 25, 2015

The MARS lab participated at the UTA Organized Annual Celebration of Academic Excellence ACES Symposium with two oral and two poster presentations on March 25, 2015:

  • Salman oral presentation titled Finite Element Structural Analysis of the Human Cornea to Understand and Alleviate Myopia
  • Prashanth oral presentation titled Development of a modular 3D bioprinter for fabricating tailorable biomedical implants using a combination of Inkjet, Viscous Extrusion and Fused Filament Fabrication print technologies 
  • Chris poster presentation titled Research Towards the Development of a HRI Environment: Current Status for a Mechanical Finger and Mechanical Palm
  • Hasan poster presentation titled Effect of Occlusal Loading Conditions on the Biomechanical Behavior of a Full-arch Implant Supported Overdenture Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 

Thank you to all for a job well done representing the lab!

Chris Abrego, March 15, 2015

Chris gave a presentation on his research titled “Survey on Haptics Devices and Sensors for Human Robot Interaction Research” at the AE/ME graduate student seminar class.

Salman N. Khan, February 13, 2015

His manuscript titled Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK) Tissue Insertion Devices: A Review co-authored with Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Mootha from UT SouthWestern Medical Center has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research.

Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

New members – January 2015

Happy New Year to all and especially the members of the MARS lab. I look forward to your continued successes and contributions to the mission of the lab in both the educational and research fronts.

We would like to welcome a number of new members to the lab who will work on new research topics or participate in existing research.

Congratulations for joining the lab and wishes for continued success!

Ankit Batra MS Thesis Defense Dec 2014

Ankit successfully defended his MS presentation on the customization of a multi-modality additive manufacturing system on December 12, 2014. Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Salman Khan awarded scholarship, December 2014

Salman was awarded a scholarship in December 2014 from the Dr. Shamin Sughra Malik Scholarship fund in recognition of his current progress and succes in engineering. The scholarship is admninistered by the College of Engineering. Congratulations!

Salman Khan at the 2014 IEEE Medical Device Symposium

Salman presented a poster on his doctoral research work titled A Study of Finite Element Structural Analysis of Allograft for Endothelial Keratoplasty at the 2014 IEEE Medical Device Symposium held at The University of Texas at Dallas, TX, Nov 7, 2014 . Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Salman Khan at the 2014 IEEE Medical Device Symposium

Senior Design team for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.

The lab welcomes a new senior design group who will be researching the design and development of a mechanical hand-end effector for irregular object manipulation for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. Welcome and looking forward to your accomplishments!

Mohammed Aliakbar completed the I-Engage program.

The lab welcomes Mohammed Aliakbar who will be mentored by Salman Khan during the summer of 2014 under the I-Engage Mentoring program of the UTA Graduate School. Mohammed will be learning how to use CAE tools (ANSYS) to research opthalmic grafted devices. Mohammed welcome and looking forward to your accomplishments.

Mohammed Aliakbar completed the I-Engage program

Mohammed, Salman and Dr. Shiakolas participated at the luncheon honoring the I-Engage participants in August 2014. Salman and Mohammed are shown wiht Dr. Jackson and I-Engage completion certificates. Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Mohammed Aliakbar completed the I-Engage program.