Nov 2015 – The MARS lab was well represented at the ASME IMECE 2015 conference in Houston, Texas with 7 conference papers! 

The presenters included Dr. Shiakolas, Christopher Abrego, Prashanth Ravi and Hasah Abu. 
Congratulations to all and wishes for continued success!
The conference papers presented and in the proceedings are the following:

S. N. Khan and P. S. Shiakolas, To Understand Myopic Alleviation by Conducting Finite Element Structural Analysis of the Cornea with an Intrastromal Corneal Ring Implant, ASME IMECE2015-51515, Houston, TX, USA

P. Ravi, P. S. Shiakolas, J. Oberg, A. Batra, and S. Faizee, On the Development of a Modular 3D BioPrinter for Research in Biomedical Device Fabrication, ASME IMECE2015-51555, Houston, TX, USA

P. Ravi, P.S. Shiakolas, T. Welch, T. Saini, K. Guleserian, and A. Batra, On the Capabilities of a Multi-modality 3D BioPrinter for Customized Biomedical Devices. ASME IMECE2015-52204, Houston, TX, USA

Md A. Hasan and P. S. Shiakolas, 3D Finite Element Stress Analysis of an Implant Supported Overdenture Under Bruxism and Lingualized Loading Conditions ASME IMECE2015-51688, Houston, TX, USA

Md A. Hasan, Effects of lingualized and linear occlusion schemes on the stress distribution of an implant supported overdenture using finite element analysis, ASME IMECE2015-52265, Nov. 13-19, Houston, TX, USA
(P.S. Shiakolas could not be listed as co-author due to the limitation on the number of papers one could be listed as co-author)

C. E. Abrego, P. S. Shiakolas and M. R. Sobhy, Developing an educational and research human robot interaction environment for a mechanical finger/hand, ASME IMECE2015-52305, Houston, TX, USA

C. E. Abrego and P. S.Shiakolas, Augmenting an Educational and Research Human Robot Interaction Environment with a Multi Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm, ASME IMECE2015-50969, Houston, TX, USA

Prashanth, Dr. Shiakolas, Christopher and Hasan at the ASME IMECE 2015 Conference
Prashanth, Dr. Shiakolas, Christopher and Hasan at the ASME IMECE 2015 Conference

Graduation pictures Spring 2015 (May 16, 2015)

Congratulations and wishes for continued success to all the graduates and especially those associated with the MARS Lab!

Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Khan. 
The lab is looking forward to your accomplishments!
Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Khan. 
The lab is looking forward to your accomplishments!

Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Khan. 
The lab is looking forward to your accomplishments!

Erin after receiving her degree! The desk in the MARS lab is lonely!
Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Khan. 
The lab is looking forward to your accomplishments!
Erin after receiving her degree! The desk in the MARS lab is lonely!
Some of the Pi Tau Sigma members at the graduation ceremonies.
Some of the Pi Tau Sigma members at the graduation ceremonies.

Kshitija Suryavanshi ME ME Defense (May 15, 2015)

Kshitija succesfully defended her master’s project on the characterization of the inkjet module of the multi-module 3D BioPrinter. 

Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Kshitija Suryavanshi ME ME Defense (May 15, 2015)

Fun times (May 14, 2015)

The lab had an outing at a restaurant in Las Colinas to celebrate the the successes of the semester in a laid back environment.

Congratulations to all for a job well done this semester and wishes for continued success!

Group photos in-front of las Colinas

Sarode Vishal ME ME Defense (May 11, 2015)

Sarode succesfully defended his master’s project on the retrofitting with new electronics hardware and porting of a 4-axis CMM based microscope to LabVIEW.

Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Sarode Vishal ME ME Defense (May 11, 2015)

Salman N. Khan’s Doctoral Defense (April 15, 2015)

Salman succesfully defended his doctoral research work titled  Biomechanical Analysis of the Cornea to Improve Post Surgical Outcomes Through Finite Element Analysis on April 15, 2015. Thank you to all the committee members.

The lab is proud of your accomplishments and wishes you all the best on the next chapter of your professional and personal life. Congratulations and wishes for continued success!

Salman N. Khan's Doctoral Defense (April 15, 2015)