Honors Dynamic Systems Modeling, Simulation and Automatic Controls

MAE 4410 – Spring Y2K
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Instructor: P. S. Shiakolas, Ph. D. 
Office: Woolf Hall 315D 
Phone: (817) 272-5715 
Email: shiakolas@uta.edu 
Office Hours:TTH 1:30-3:00 p.m. and by appointment. 
Prerequisites: MAE 2306 (Digital Computation), MAE 2323 (Dynamics), MATH 3319 (Differential Equations and Linear Algebra) 
Text: Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems by R. L. Woods and K. L. Lawrence, 2nd Printing, Modern Control Systems by R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, 8th Edition 

Grading Policy

Homework (10%)

Assigned weekly and due at the beginning of the class period. Homework will be either analytical and/or computational. I reserved the right to inquire from you to demonstrate your computer work.

Project-Laboratory (20%)

There will be one project consisting of several parts. Each part will be assigned and must be completed before continuing to the next part. The main objective of the lab is for you to apply the analytical tools learnt in class in an actual experimental setup. The project to be analyzed throughout the semester is a magnetic levitation system. The lab setup is located in the robotics research lab in WH.

Semester Exams (40%)

Two exams equally weighted. These exams will be comprehensive and may consist of two parts (an analytical and a computational). Note that part or the whole exam may be take-home. In class exams will be closed book-notes. The time of the exam will be announced later. Makeup exam policy (see note below).

Final Exam (30%)

The final exam will be comprehensive and may consist of two parts an analytical and a computational. The final exam will be closed book- notes. If you have any conflict with finals for your other courses you must inform me in writing no later than the third class meeting. Otherwise, I will assume that you will be able to take the final exam at the scheduled time.

Makeup Exam

No makeup exams will be given unless I am notified in advance and approve of it. If you miss any of the semester exams due an illness or other approved reason, there will be only one comprehensive makeup exam the last week of the semester (dead week).

Guaranteed Grading Scale

The guaranteed grading scale based upon the minimum percentage number of points obtained is shown below. The required percentages will not be increased but they may be decreased based upon overall class averages at the end of the semester.

90% – 100%: A, 80% – 89%: B, 70% – 79%: C, 60% – 69%: D, 0 – 60%: F 


You may use any computer software that you like, but make sure that you are proficient in it for solving the assignments for this class. For the purposes of this class, support will be provided only for Matlab. You can purchase the student edition of Matlab from the bookstore. 


If you have any religious holidays that you need to observe you must inform me in writing of the dates no later than the third class meeting.

Additional Reference Material – (In Science and Technology Library)

  • Modeling and Controls related books – I can supply a list if needed
  • Plethora of Matlab books

Course Objectives

I.System Representation: 
(Mathematical Tools) 
  A. Differential Equations
  B. Numerical Integration
  C. Transfer Functions 
  D. State Space

II.System Time Response Analysis 
  A. Pole, Zero Analysis
  B. Typical Inputs
  C. Time Domain Response
        1. Analytic
        2. Numeric (Computational)
  D. Frequency Domain Response
        1. Frequency Response
        2. Laplace Transforms
  E. Digital Simulation
  F. Stability

 III.Modeling of Physical Systems
  A. Mechanical Systems
        2. Rotational
        3. Mixed 
  B. Electrical Systems
        2. Active
        3. Mixed
  C. Fluid Systems
  D. Thermal Systems
  E. Mixed Systems
I.System Representation  
  A. Transfer Functions (Review)
  B. Block Diagrams 

II.System Transient Response 

III.Feedback Control Systems 
  A. Effects of Feedback Control
  B. Classical Control Action
        1. Proportional
        2. Integral
        3. Derivative
  C. Error Analysis
        1. Initial and Final Value Theorems 
        2. Static, Dynamic Error 
        3. Performance Indices 
        4. Controller Tuning

IV.Controller Design (Pole-Zero Analysis)
  A. Root Locus Analysis
  B. Frequency Response Analysis
  C. Bode Plots
  D. Compensation Analysis
        1. Lead Compensation 
        2. Lag Compensation

Americans With Disabilities Act /Academic Dishonesty Statements

First Project (Adobe PDF)

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The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that is expected to work.

John Von Neumann