Mohammad Mayyas – Doctoral Dissertation Abstract
Supervising Professor: Panayiotis S. Shiakolas
Title: Methodologies For Automated Microassembly
The development of micromachining technologies has provided wide applications in micro sensing and actuation. However, most of the demonstrated devices are selectively constructed by fabrication processes that are limited to complexity, configuration, dimension, and material variation. The monolithic fabrication has limitations and does not allow the inclusion of multiple components of incompatible processes. Therefore, the construction of 3D microstructures by heterogeneous microassembly is an alternate manufacturing route. In deterministic, monitored or controlled microassembly there has been considerable research in developing, analyzing and applying distributed algorithms for sensor and sensorless based assembly processes. Meso-scale teleoperated work-cells supported by Nano manipulators have been under development for two decades. This research focused on developing end-effectors which possess broader capabilities and yet based on reliable actuation principles. Specifically, different practical scenarios where the previous researchers have not addressed the design platforms for assembly and actuation conditions are considered. Thus, this research will aim at improving the performance of related MEMS devices through mathematical modeling and numerical simulations by coupling a range of electrothermal building blocks on deterministic serial to parallel microassembly, distributed manipulation and/or hybrid microassembly. However, these process are generally slow, complicated and require expensive equipments. Alternative methods for constructing and actuating 2½D to 3D are emerging. The spontaneous assembly of 2½D micro-parts to form aggregate robotic structures will be examined. The locomotion of such constructed structures requires broader methodologies in actuation methods including concepts borrowed from physics, biology and chemistry. A promising platform is based on controlled microorganism for inexpensive and reliable sensing and actuation. The implementation of such actuation concept in the construction of micro-robotic systems, such as micro-pump is examined. Finally, methodologies for monolithic and selective detethering of micro-meso-parts that are vital for presenting massive blocks during assembly processes are introduced.