Assignments for Fall 2015 are assigned during the lecture and will not be posted here.

Assignments for Fall 2013

(Note: If the due date is not in 2013 then you are not responsible to work on that assignement)
HomeworkAssigned DateDue Date
Homework 2 
The problems to work for homework # 2 are from your textbook (3rd Edition)
Chapter 3: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 18, 22
Also, you need to complete MATLAB exercise 3 (on page 100 in your textbook).
You do not need to perform part (d) for this HW set but if you would like to learn how to use the Robotics Toolbox this might be a good starting point.
September 23, 2013October 3, 2013
Homework 3
The problems to work for homework # 3 are from your textbook (3rd Edition)
Chapter 4: 2, 6, 7, 9, 16, 23
October 1, 2013October 10, 2013
Homework 4
The problems to work for homework # 4 are from your textbook (3rd Edition)
Chapter 5: 3,8,12,17 
Also, you need to complete MATLAB exercise 5 (on page 163 in your textbook). You are not required to evaluate you work with the toolbox – this is optional.
Addendum to HW 4: Due Tuesday October 22, 2013
Evaluate the Jacobian following the theory/procedure in Exercise 5.17 and by taking the derivative of the tip position vector for the three cases below:
for the 3DOF 3R planar robot shown in Figure 3.6
for the same robot but replace the second joint with an in plane prismatic joint both aligned and perpendicular with link 1
October 10, 2013October 17, 2013
Homework 5
Homework 6
Homework 7


Programming of IBM 7535 SCARA Robot – 
Safety, Robot Programming as discussed in class

This is not an assigned project but rather instructions for you to program an industrial robot by familiarizing yourselfs with the IBM 7535 SCARA robot and its programming language AML (A Manufacturing Language). The AML language and the associated AML manual are provided to you and you can download them. 

contents preface, index, chapter1, chapter2, chapter3, chapter4, chapter5, chapter6, chapter7, chapter8, chapter9

Note that these are provided ‘as is’ and are intended only to be used by the students in ME 5337 class. Anyone else who downloads these is doing so at their own risk.

Part A: Programming the IBM 7535 SCARA Robot 

Part B: (Print the file above) 

The proximity sensor is currently interfaced and working with the robot controller). You need to read and undertand how to use the commands WAITI and TESTI. The DI singal for the proximity sensor is 3. 

The conveyor will be emulated by having the parts presented at a predefined location and then activat e the sensor to ‘fool’ the robot into thinking that there is a conveyor (see the class discussion). You are to pick a number of parts and place them in a square matrix with a 100 mm side. 

Note: I have put a short guide on how to start AML and interface with the robot by the robot computer. 

Note: The command PMOVE(X_coord, Y_Coord, Roll) does not work with the version of AML available. Instead use the following: Define a new point with coordinates: PT1: NEW POINT(X_coord, Y_Coord, Roll) Then in your programs move to the desired point: PMOVE(PT1);

Project 1 – Forward and Inverse Kinematics Analysis of an Industrial Robot

Project 1 – Forward and Inverse Kinematics Analysis of an Industrial Robot

This project is due October 24, 2013

The robot to be analyzed is the Adept Viper S650 6-dof articulated robot. The robot is in the MARS lab and will be demonstrated to you so that you can have a better understanding and visualize its operation. More information about the robot could be found at the Adept Technologies Inc. web page –

Perform the Forward Kinematics Analysis: Assign Frames, Generate the MDH table, find the individual homogeneous transforms and find the T-6-0 transform (you could use software tools for the transformation calculations).

Perform the Inverse Kinematics Analysis utilizing the developed T-6-0 transform and assuming that there is a known given/desired position and orientation for the last frame. The entries of the known T-6-0 should be assumed to be variables similar to the paper discussed in class. 

Develop and document a software program which will find the joint values given the desired T-6-0. The program will be verified in the lab since the robot controller/teach pendant has the capability to display among other information the World/Joint coordinates. 


The following link should get you to the Adept site to find needed information.

You must include some comments at each step explaining what you did.
Do not just give a report with equations and figures etc.

1. Develop the MDH kinematic table for this robot

  • Clearly show your frames and joint variables (positive directions and starting/ending locations) on your schematic
  • Clearly show all parameters on your schematic
  • Develop two tables – one with all parameters as variables and one with values (where appropriate) along with joint limits.

2. Develop forward kinematics based on MDH table

  • Show individual transformations
  • Show complete forward kinematics transformation

3. Develop inverse kinematics

  • Clearly show the procedures and steps followed
  • Clearly show the solution formulas for each joint variable
  • Clearly mention any cautionary points or other information based on the approach and 

4. Develop software code (matlab, mathematica, scilab)
a) perform forward kinematics based on the developed MDH table
Given a set of joint variables find the FK transformation matrix
Your code must be properly commented and include information on what is happening as well as descriptions of the variables and any functions/subroutines/modules etc. you are using.
If you use canned software, the robotics toolbox etc., make sure you understand how to use it and properly apply it for your own work.
I will not accept an excuse that the software is to blame for results that make no sense.
It is your responsibility to verify your work.

b) perform inverse kinematics based on the analysis
Given a desired position and orientation homogeneous transformation, find all the solutions and then eliminate whichever ones need to be eliminated

You can verify your code and analysis by assuming joint values and estimating the FK transformation
Then you can use this estimated transformation and evaluate joint values – compare the joint values with the ones used to find FK.

I reserve the right to ask you to discuss your project and demonstrate your work to me or to your classmates.
You might need to give a small presentation of your work to your classmates.

This project will be due on Thursday October 24, 2013.
I extended the deadline but make sure you start working on it early. 
I will not answer any questions after October 17, 2013.

You are to perform this project on your own – you are not to discuss this with students from previous years or obtain reports from previous years. Note that I have the copies of reports from previous years
No collaboration of any kind is allowed – not even discussions amongst yourselves.
Anyone collaborating, either receiving or giving unauthorized help and information, will earn a failing grade on the course.
In the past students who collaborated on software used the excuse that ‘accidentally left their computer unattended and someone access their programs’.
You are responsible for safeguarding your work and intellectual property.

Project 3 Real World Application on Experimentation with GMF S-110 Industrial Robot

Project 4 Real World Application on Experimentation with GMF S-110 Industrial Robot and Understanding of Station Frame Concept

Project 5 Experimentation with GMF S-110 Industrial Robot, Understanding of the Concept of Station Frame and Assemble a Gear Set