The title for his doctoral research is Towards the Fabrication of Bioresorbable Constructs with Customized Properties using Additive ManufacturingCongratulations are in order for Dr. Ravi!

Prashanth’s research was a collaborative effort between UTA and UTSW Medical Center in Dallas. He was advised by Dr. Shiakolas and Dr. Welch (UTSW).

Congratulations to Prashanth for a great job on his research on Additive Manufacturing for bio-related applications with a employing a custom developed setup and characterizing the process for a newly developed bio-polymer towards the fabrication of biomedical scaffolds! Looking forward to your contributions to the research community!

Your considerate and pleasant persona is well respected and recognized. Keep up the good deeds and continue being an inspiration to the MARS Lab group!

Congratulations and we look forward to your continued successes!

Prashanth Ravi presenting
Prashanth Ravi presenting
Prashanth Ravi presenting